“Mom, Dad -I’m Transgender.”
As the parent – What do you say? What do you do?
How do you cope with what is about to unfold in your life?
A parent’s life can change forever when a child “comes out” and says they are transgender. Even if you had a suspicion that something was “different” about your child, the word “transgender” or “transition”, will likely cause a multitude of conflicting emotions and countless questions.
Whether your child is 5 or 50, most people, particularly parents, are unprepared to know what’s next, and, most importantly, how to care for themselves in the process.
This book was written to make the adjustment process easier for parents or anyone who loves a transgender person. Specifically, you will:
- Gain insight regarding what the issues are that parents commonly face
- Receive valuable suggestions on how to work through feelings such as grief, denial, depression, anger, shame and guilt.
- Learn conflict management for siblings and other family members.
- Become well-versed in knowing what to say to others and how to effectively deal with resistance.
- Develop effective methods of addressing religious, cultural and social issues.
- Discover how to cope and take care of yourself in the process
- Understand acceptance and what it can mean for you as the parent.
Love and compassion are emphasized not only for the transgender child but for the parents who raise them. This book is a must-read resource for family members, educators, clergy, counselors, the medical field, social awareness advocates or anyone who loves a transgender person.